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Two Year Korean Update

  Preface (Please Read) Below is context for things I’ll be consistently referencing throughout the post, which understanding will likely clear things up! Refold: What is it? What are Refold Stages? Comprehension Levels? Refold is the roadmap I’ve been following to acquire Korean. Whilst I don’t completely agree with what they share/promote, I do find their stages + comprehension levels to be invaluable for measuring one’s understanding of a language. Plus the community has been one of the best parts about learning Korean IMO. There are two things actually worth checking out by Refold, their simplified roadmap , and their detailed roadmap . They are one in the same but provide slightly different information and explanations, so if you’re interested in Refold, it’s worth reading the simplified roadmap and using the detailed one for extra information you need/want. Refold Stages are Refold’s version of a level system, where each stage has different comprehension requirements and sugg...
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450 Hours Textbook Study | My Grammar Journey

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A Very Belated 2000 Hour Korean Update

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